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Giving made easy

At Brampton Church of the Nazarene we see giving as an act of worship to God. We know that the advancement of the Kingdom will come through our faithful giving not only in monetary form, but through our gifts, time, and service to the local church. If you're looking for ways to give back to the local church, please refer to the methods below or ask an usher for assistance on Sunday morning. 


If you're visiting our church, do not feel pressure to give during our regular tithes and offerings. We understand that sometimes visitors have other places they attend or give to, and we would like you to feel comfortable enough to let the offering plate pass if this is the case for you. 

ways you can donate:



During our Sunday morning service there will be an opportunity to give during our regular tithes and offerings. This of course, is not obligatory by any means. 


Missed the chance to give during our morning service? You can also give online! Email the church office to find out how. 


If you find that you're not always in service on Sunday, you can sign up for Pre-Approved Debit giving. Contact the church office for more information. 

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