Over the next little while, I will be sending a thought from the Bible, Monday through Fridays. This week I want us to Journey with Jehoshaphat. You can read details about his life in 2 Chronicles 17-20. I would encourage you to read this as we journey together.
Jehoshaphat means “Jehovah is judge” and the Bible tell us that “The LORD was with Jehoshaphat.” He was a good king who learned much from his Godly father. During his reign he sent people out to teach the word of God (Book of the Law) to the inhabitants of the towns in Judah, 1 Chronicles 17:7-9. He appointed judges and made sure they judged accurately, 2 Chronicles 19:6-9. What we are going to focus on this week is 2 Chronicles 20 (please read) where he trusted God for victory in a crisis. With Covid 19 we are living in days of crisis and we are looking to God for victory. One of my favourite verses in the life of Jehoshaphat is;
. . . For we have no power against this great multitude,
we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.
2 Chronicles 20:12
For we have no power An Expression of Despair
Against this great multitude An Expression of Concern
We do not know what to do An Expression of Helplessness
But our eyes are upon An Expression of Hope
From these words we see Jehoshaphat and all his people could see how God would lead them from despair to concern and through helplessness to hope. We wait in hope for the Lord; Psalm 33:20
First of many posts