2 Chronicles 20:26
When this pandemic is over, it has been said, “The world will never be the same.” That is likely true and may it be so positively. Will you be the same? Will you learn the lessons God wants to teach you in these days? For Jehoshaphat and his people there was place never the same. The Valley of Berakah was the new name for this valley, meaning now The Valley of Blessing.
A Day of Praise
On the fourth day they assembled in the
Valley of Berakah,
A Nation of Praise
. . . where they praised the Lord.
A Place of Praise
This is why it is called the Valley of Berakah
to this day.
Let praises to the LORD be on our lips and in are hearts during these historical days. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6